Based on early examination of Apple's first effort into blogging, I don't think there is much risk in Apple taking over the world of blogging.
As is often the case, Apple's efforts are sometimes colored by the company's solitary nature and isolation from anything that might amount to serious crticism.
For fifteen months now I have been trying various blogging software which has led me to maintain a number of blogs, including the one here, one at Radioland, one at Bubbler.net, and my two main blogs, View from the mountain, and Applepeels along with one rarely used over at Livejournal.
It was only natural that I bring one up with iWeb since I'm already a subscriber to dot Mac. Yesterday I did my first posts to David's Dot Mac Spot.
As I mentioned in one of my other posts, I think iWeb is a work in progress. I felt like I had hand cuffs on while I was doing my first iWeb post. I've been a little nervous about it since when I launched iWeb on a second computer, it didn't seem to see the blog that I had already created. I did manage to post a new page of photos from another computer, but you also can't use iWeb to manage the photos you've already posted to dot Mac so iWeb is something of a mixed bag so far.
I wander from computer to computer depending on what I'm doing. I depend on being able to work on the same thing from multiple computers. I haven't figured out how to do that from iWeb yet, but I've just started using the program so it's early in the game. As I'm fond of saying Apple products usually get better with patience, updates, and some time.
Right now I would suggest anyone that wants to start blogging, try something besides iWeb. Blogger is actually a very friendly and a nice free place to start. I think the tools have improved, and it seems very reliable.
It may take Apple a few updates to get it to reasonable functionality in their product.
I wonder though if iWeb will actually get updated quickly. Blogging isn't exactly part of Apple's corporate culture. Computer snooping might be, but blogging isn't actually encouraged at Apple.
I am wondering if you can tell me how to post to my iweb blog when I am not at home on my mac? Is there an online way to post like there is with blogspot so that so matter where you are you can post?
Please Help,
Sonya @
I am wondering if you can tell me how to post to my iweb blog when I am not at home on my mac? Is there an online way to post like there is with blogspot so that so matter where you are you can post?
Please Help,
Sonya @
Well I have never done it, but your question prompted me to do a little searching where I finally found this article.
iWeb: Publish to your .Mac account from more than one computer
I can't give it a try right now because I'm away from my Mac that has my iWeb information.
It doesn't appear to be simple like Blogger or Typepad, but it can be done.
My dot Blog link seems broken, but this works
I don't publish there often because it doesn't work like other blogging software.
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