While I do enjoy my first cup of coffee, the coffee has nothing to do with the pleasure I take from my morning rounds of our home place at Bluewater Cove. First I usually check our tomato plants to see if anything is ripe enough t0 pick or if the plants need water. I also check our palms and our one perrenial hibiscus.
Then I will usually walk down to the dock to check the tides and see what sea creaturing are lurking around the dock. After that I make my way out to the mailbox. Along the way, I get to enjoy the warm morning breeze, our roses, and the pine trees growing in the lot next door. I will also scan the yard to see if any ant hills have popped up.
Sometimes I will wander over to boat ramp to see what is swimming around there. These hot mornings I often hear the carpenters up the road. They come to work early during the heat of the summer.
It is a special time in the morning. There are even some mornings when you can forget all your cares. It is a relaxing time of the day, and I have even been known t0 take an early morning dip in the pool.
I sometimes get a lot done before 9:00 AM. As early morning is my favorite time of day, I do not mind working hard. It is better to get chores out of the way early in my book.
Evening comes in a distant second as a time I enjoy, but it does have moments also like this walk down Emerald Isle's main street.